Source code for aamras.driver.factory

"""Driver factory/creation."""

from enum import Enum
from typing import Mapping, Optional, Type

from selenium.webdriver import (
    Firefox as FirefoxDriver, FirefoxOptions,
    Chrome as ChromeDriver, ChromeOptions
from selenium.webdriver.remote.webdriver import WebDriver

from ..util import LoggerMixin
from .driver import Driver

[docs]class DriverType(str, Enum): """Common driver types.""" CHROME = "chrome" FIREFOX = "firefox" def __str__(self): return self.value
class _SeleniumMapping: """Data structure housing Selenium driver parameters""" __slots__ = ("driver_type", "options_type") def __init__(self, driver_type: Type[WebDriver], options_type: Type): self.driver_type = driver_type self.options_type = options_type _webdriver_type_mapping: Mapping[DriverType, _SeleniumMapping] = { DriverType.CHROME: _SeleniumMapping(ChromeDriver, ChromeOptions), DriverType.FIREFOX: _SeleniumMapping(FirefoxDriver, FirefoxOptions) } def _webdriver_type(name: DriverType) -> Type[WebDriver]: return _webdriver_type_mapping[name].driver_type def _options_type_for(name: DriverType) -> Type: return _webdriver_type_mapping[name].options_type
[docs]class DriverFactory(LoggerMixin):
[docs] def create(self, driver_type: Optional[DriverType] = None) -> Driver: """Construct driver with the provided driver type. :param driver_type: type of driver to construct. """ if not driver_type: driver = Driver(self._try_selenium_drivers()) else: driver = Driver(self._get_selenium_driver(driver_type)) return driver
def _get_options(self, options_type) -> object: options = options_type() options.headless = True return options def _get_selenium_driver(self, driver_type: DriverType) -> WebDriver: """Construct a selenium WebDriver with the provided type. :param driver_type: type of driver to be created. """ webdriver_type = _webdriver_type(driver_type) options_type = _options_type_for(driver_type) options = options_type() options.headless = True return webdriver_type(options=options) def _try_selenium_drivers(self) -> WebDriver: """Attempt to construct any driver type.""" exceptions = {} for driver_type in DriverType: try: driver = self._get_selenium_driver(driver_type)"successfully initialized {driver_type} driver") return driver except (OSError, Exception) as e: exceptions[driver_type] = e self.log.error("unable to initialize WebDriver") for (driver_type, exception) in exceptions.items(): self.log.error("%s trace:" % (driver_type)) self.log.exception(exception) raise Exception("unable to initialize WebDriver")
[docs]def create(driver_type: Optional[DriverType] = None): """Construct driver with the provided driver type. :param driver_type: type of driver to construct. """ return DriverFactory().create(driver_type)